AOPA Flight Training Surveys
You have trusted us to help you achieve your dream of flying. Now we’d like you to tell us about your flight training experience. We are participating in the You Can Fly Flight Training Experience Survey, and your feedback will help shape the flight training experience for future students. Student Pilots, Private Pilots and Rusty Pilots…. We value your feedback!
The You Can Fly Flight Training Experience Survey is based on extensive research into the optimal flight training experience. Your participation will give you the opportunity to tell us about your experience with us so that we can see how we stack up to the industry. We want to hear it all – the Good, the Bad and the AWESOME!
Take the survey today. AOPA’s Flight Training Experience Survey is a constructive way to improve flight training. Your responses to poll questions are anonymous. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
By participating in the Flight Training Experience Survey, you’ll be eligible to enter to win one of 11 sweepstakes prizes valued from $100 to $360, courtesy of SiriusXM, Sporty’s, PilotWorkshops, Avis, Aircraft Spruce, AOPA Pilot Gear Store, Alamo, National, and Hertz!