Los Angeles Area Super Bowl Flight Restrictions/Pilot Information
There will be a reservation system for aircraft parking in effect for most airfields in the Los Angeles area, including LAX from Feb 6 to Feb 14. Additionally, there will be Special Air Traffic Procedures in place for the region. https://www.aopa.org/news-and-media/all-news/2022/january/19/coming-soon-super-bowl-flight-restrictions
Flying into LA Airports
Join us at the Bakersfield Flying Club for a pilot-centered discussion. Pilots who fly to LA-area airports regularly VFR will discuss how they choose to get there and why. RSVP by 15 February to BFCflyers@gmail.com or sign up at the club. The meeting will take place on 17 Feb at 6 p.m, at the Bakersfield […]